Knowledge of Monsoons Led to Increased Trade in the India Ocean
Main idea
Mariners and merchants used knowledge of monsoon winds to move across the Indian Ocean region.
Monsoon winds are the seasonal change in the direction of a region’s winds. In tropical areas, monsoon winds cause wet and dry seasons. Monsoon winds are strongest in the Indian and Pacific Ocean regions.
How the monsoon winds work
Before modern sailing technologies, Navigation in the Indian Ocean depended on sailors’ understanding of the region’s monsoon wind patterns. Because the winds only switched direction once yearly, most merchants only made one roundtrip journey each year.
Monsoon wind patterns are predictable.
November to February | April to September |
Cool winds | Warm winds |
From the north | From the south |
Toward India and Southeast Asia | Toward India and Southeast Asia |
Video: The monsoon winds
Unit 1: The Global Tapestry
Unit 2: Networks of Exchange
Unit 3: Land-Based Empires
Unit 4: Trans-Oceanic Connections
Unit 5: Revolutions
Unit 6: Consequences of Industrialization