C. 1200 to C. 1450
Unit 1: The Global Tapestry
1.1A: Chinese Governing Traditions
1.1B: Chinese Cultural Traditions
1.1B: China’s Cultural Influence on its Neighbors
1.1C: Chinese Economic Developments
1.2D: Islamic Cultural Traditions
1.2E: Governance Across the Islamic World
1.2F: Technology and Innovation in the Islamic World
1.3G: Cultural Developments in South and Southeast Asia
1.3H: Governance in South and Southeast Asia
1.4I: State Systems in the Americas
1.5J: State Systems in Africa
1.6K: European Cultural Developments
1.6L: European Political Developments
1.6M: Agriculture and European Social Organization
Unit 2: Networks of Exchange
2.1A: The Silk Roads
2.2B: Pastoralists and the Mongols
2.2B: The Rise of the Mongols and the Mongol Empire
2.2C: The Mongols and Eurasian Trade and Communication
2.2D: The Mongols and and Technological and Cultural Transfer
2.3 E: The Causes of Indian Ocean Commerce
2.3 F: The Effects of Indian Ocean Commerce
2.3 G Indian Ocean Trade and the Monsoon Winds
2.4 H: Trans-Saharan Trade
2.4 I: West African Empires and Trans-Saharan Trade
2.5J: Cultural Consequences of Connectivity
2.6K: Environmental Consequences of Connectivity
C. 1450 to C. 1750
Unit 3: Land-Based Empires
3.1A: Land Empires Expand
3.2B: Empires Expand: Weapons and State Rivalries
3.3C: Administration of Land Empire
3.4D: Empires Belief Systems
Unit 4: Transoceanic Interconnections
4.1A: Technological Innovations
4.2B: State Support for Maritime Expansion
4.2C: Economic Causes and Effects of European Maritime Exploration
4.3D: The Columbian Exchange
4.4.E: State Building and Expansion
4.4.F: Continuities and Changes in Economic and Labor Systems
4.4.G: Changes and Continuities in Slavery
4.5H: Rulers Economic Strategies to Consolidate and Maintain Power
4.5I: Continuities and Changes in Networks of Exchange
4.5J: Changing Social Structures from 1450 to 1750
4.5K: Expansion and Change in Existing Religions
4.6L: Challenges to State Power
4.7.M: Changing Social Hierarchies
C. 1750 to 1900
Unit 5: Revolutions
5.1A The Enlightenment
5.2C Nationalism
5.1B The Enlightenment and Movements of Liberation
5.2C Nationalism and Revolution
5.3D The Industrial Revolution Begins
5.4E Industrialization Spreads
5.5F Technology of the Industrial Age
5.6G: The Governments Role in Industrialization
5.7H: Economic Innovations and Developments in the Industrial Age
5.8I: Communism and Unionization
5.8I: Reforms and modernization in Japan, China, and the Ottoman Empire
Unit 6: Consequences of Industrialization
6.1A: Rationales for Imperialism
6.2B: State Expansion from 1750 to 1900
6.2B: Japanese, Russian, and American Imperialism
6.3C: Indigenous Responses to State Expansion
6.4D: Global Economic Developments from 1750 to 1900
6.5E: Economic Imperialism from 1750 to 1900
6.6F & G: Environmental and Economic Causes of Migration
6.7H: Effects of Migration
c. 1900 to today
Unit 7: Global War
7.1A: Shifting Power After 1900
7.2B: Causes of WWI
7.3C: Conducting WWI
7.4D: Economy in the Interwar Period
7.5E: Unresolved tensions After WWI
7.6F: Causes of WWII
7.7G: Conducting WWII
7.8H: Mass Atrocities After 1900
Unit 8: Cold War and Decolonization
8.1A: Setting the Stage for the Cold War and Decolonization
8.2B: The Cold War
8.3: Effects of the Cold War
8.4D: The Spread of Communism in China
Unit 9: Globalization
native tribal leader
native tribal leader
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